Get to Know Section 529 Plans Basically, a college savings plan allows you to place money in a state plan to be used for the beneficiary’s higher-education expenses at any college or university, which include tuition, fees, books, supplies, and certain room-and-board costs. There are several significant advantages to these plans. Click link for full […]
These days adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs) are a good deal!
Call to ARMs “Forget the subprime mess. These days adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs) are a good deal,” reports Ashela Ebeling, Financial Reporter for Forbes magazine, especially for certain well-off home buyers looking to purchase or home owners wanting to refinance. Many borrowers who purchased houses with ARMs during the subprime boom got hooked into using […]
EPA’s New Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule
Protect your family and make sure you only hire a contractor who is in a Lead-Safe Certified Firm. Find a Lead-Safe Certified Firm near you.
Mortgage: Pay or Walk Away
It was reported last week that the HAMP (Home Affordable Modification program) participants is on the rise and growing. We need to improve and expand this program.
Tax Credit Officially Extended and Expanded
After much fanfare the home buyer and home owner tax credit is in place. This new law extends the first time home buyer tax credit for property under contract by April 30, 2010 and closing by June 30, 2010. Under the same bill unemployment benefits are extended by 14 weeks and there are provisions to […]
Last Days of the $8,000 Federal Tax Credit
Could it be the end of the $8,000 Federal tax credit for first time home-buyers? The one thing we know with certainty is the program is currently set to expire on November 30th. Without action from Washington, time is of the essence in order to successfully complete a purchase transaction before the deadline. Given the […]
Save the Historic Tax Credit
At this very moment, the Historic Tax Credit (HTC) is threatened by the Senate’s Economic Development committee substitute for SB45, which will cap the Historic Tax Credit at $150 million. Such a cap will undoubtedly substantially reduce the effectiveness of the program, which relies on freely available credits in order to function. The Historic Tax […]